A great collection of beautiful website templates for your need. Choose the best suitable template and start customizing it.
Pixel perfect and fully responsive design as per latest web design trends.
Best practice in design and coding to make the page load fast and SEO ready.
Well commented and structured, easy to understand and customizable code.
Detailed and technical documentation as well as best rated professional support.
Turn your shower thought into meaning blog posts using amora template.
We know that you will be surprised with tons of ready demos and elements included in the Amora template.
Powerful features and inclusions, which makes Amora standout, easily customizable and scalable.
Bootstrap Toolkit
Kwicks Slider
Google Web Fonts
Animate CSS
Font Awesome Icon
Justify Gallery
Magnific Popup
BootsNav Menu
Modernizer Javascript
WOW Animation
FitVids jQuery
Parralax Background
Isotope Filtering
Animated Skillbars
jQuery Easy Pie Chart
Retina Ready
W3C Validation
Ajax Contact Form
Speed Optimized
Detail Documentation